Beneficiary: CNAIR
Country: România
Value of investment: 256 mil Eur
Length: 27.4 km
Services provided:
FIDIC Engineer for the construction works:
• Pre-construction activities
• Contracts management
• Construction supervision
• Post-construction activities
Project description:
The Lugoj-Deva Motorway (Lot 1) is part of the IV PanEuropean Corridor that crosses Romania from Nădlac through Bucharest, up to Constanța. The total length of the lot 1 is 27,400 km.
Objectives of the project:
• the general economic development of Romania and particularly the development of the road connection between Romania and Hungary
• benefits for the local population: economic and social development of the area; environmental protection by pollution mitigation and health level improvement, improving the traffic flow between Lugoj and Deva, reducing the travel time and accident rates, increasing the travel comfort