65 Caderea Bastiliei

Bucharest, Romania


+4 021 316 4018


Works for modernization and introduction of charging

Beneficiary: CNAIR
Country: Romania
Value of investment: Eur 100 mil
Financing source: EBRD and the Government of Romania
Length: 96 km

Services provided:  

Feasibility Study, Technical Design, Working Drawings, Technical Assistance

Partner: SEEE (France)

Project description:  

The Bucharest-Pitești Motorway is part of the IVth  Pan European Road Transport corridor that crosses Europe from East to West, on the territory of our country ensuring a road connection between the west side and the Port of Constanța.

The works of modernization consisted of:

• Reinforcement of the existing asphalt road pavement
• Repairs to the cement concrete road pavement (km 23 – 46) and cold laying of a very thin slurry seal bituminous layer
• Reinforcement of the sector between km 81 – 84 (acting also as an airstrip)
• Removable parapets for the airstrip sector and for the sectors provided with crossings over the central lane, for special situations
• Construction of three new road interchanges and modernization of the existing road interchanges
• Execution of 10 new bridges over the motorway and repairing works to the existing bridges and overpasses (16 pieces)
• Arrangement of the accesses to service areas
• Arrangement of two toll stations
• Design speed: 120 Km/h
• Road interchanges: 3
• Bridges and overpasses: 9


• Maintenance and Coordination Center
• 2 parking spaces
• Toll station